Tuesday, August 02, 2005

A Few Nuts

O.K, I hear you and have decided to come around a little. I have heard from more of you than I expected. Some with posts here on the Blog, some with emails and telephone calls and then those who walked into my office to ask "why" even my old boss noticed......scary.

So, I am writing my true thoughts for this morning. Is it true that actions speak louder than words, or do we listen to the actions of a person and disregard the spoken intent. Which is truth - or is truth a combination of the two?

In church on Sunday this young whippersnapper gave a sermon that really hit home with me. It was about the Holy Spirit being your "operating system" like in a computer..... It was the first time that I realized that "voice" inside you that tells you "wait a minute" or makes you really not want to do something or makes you question something is really the Holy Spirit asking you to use caution in making a decision that may not be right for you. Awesome eh! I know now that the Holy Spirit works overtime giving me those feelings as I feel that most days I am walking a mine field lately and there is only a couple of areas in my life that I have complete peace.

Anyway, in catching up, I am leaving tomorrow to run some meetings in Chicago. That voice inside me is saying "no way" about heading up there, and I am struggling with just sending one of my assistants in my place and listening to my operating system about what is the right thing for ME to do. I will keep you posted.

I know you all have been reading some of the past posts about Bumper Cars and Battle and Fight or Flight and most of you have probably thought they were all about Lance (haha) but the majority of them were about my boss and the way he treats people. I have suffered 8 months of emotional ups and downs at work the like of which I have never seen before. I know now what they mean by battle pay!!!

Well, after turning myself upside down and inside out, questioning my abilities in work, crying, being angry, standing my ground, rolling over and trying seventy two ways to Sunday to make this man happy I finally said enough and began preparation maneuvers to leave the company I work for.

I have really been in prayer about my situation and have been really worried about how I would continue to survive the emotional thrashings I was taking on a weekly basis - when the telephone rang. It was a voice from my past. Someone I have known since 1998 and, someone I know who has wanted to try and get me to work for him for quite a while but our timing was never right.

So, last Wednesday, God answered my prayer in a larger way than I ever imagined. The job came to me, in total compensation and benefits I will come out ahead of where I am now. I can work from home when I want to, get up and go to the bathroom when I want to, go to lunch with my co workers when I want to. And be wanted again - and appreciated for the unique job I perform - God gave me more than I asked for - he always seems to do that and I am grateful.

Well, it is almost 8 a.m. and I have to get ready for work. Not too much longer now with the Titan......

Thank you for reading and I hope you all have a really wonderful day today. And to Lance, I have really enjoyed spending time with you - finding normal.


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