Sunday, April 09, 2006

No Limit On Time

There is no time limit on this. There is not an expiration date on happiness. Five months is my wound speaking out loud.

There is no definition that can create the proper image for what is happening here - for me. There are no words, there are no sentences - there is just an unmistakable feeling of peace and joy and fellowship.

There is no marker for peace I tell myself. There is no equator for emotion - it will mark the life or it will not. It cannot be made more definite than that.

Sixty days more will not be enough of you, two months will not magic make. For you see, it is in the every day, the every moment, the every smile, the every touch I share with you. There is no isthmus for that. It just simply is for me.

And that is simply everything. I love what we have together. I love where we are. I love the moments and my greatest wish is that those moments weave into seasons - still laughing, still talking, and still loving the feeling of being the hand inside of yours.

No one makes me feel the way you do. There is no time limit on that. No more discussions, no more leading the way. I am here, I am happy, and you are the reason for that. No time limits - no limits at all. Freedom in love and freedom of choice are the best parts of life.

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