Saturday, January 20, 2007

In The Past

I think a lot about reaching out and how to bridge the gap, but I don’t really know how to do it. Twice now it rang and twice I hit the red button to stop it. Not sure what to say anyway. Better sometimes just to let sleeping dogs lie.

In a world of measuring sticks and uncertainty, it is hard to let go of what we know – or what we thought we knew. It is easier to look back sometimes to what seemed so right to us.

You seemed that way to me. You were the flip side of my coin – the same in value but different in look. Legal tender in either direction it seemed.

Fire and ice, or as someone once said gasoline or water…I am gasoline, I am fire and passion and I smolder inside just waiting to be fanned into life again.

Contentment is all around me, but with that contentment is silence, and a little too much peacefulness. It doesn’t feel normal really – the embers are still burning just under the surface….waiting for fuel.


Sideways Chica said...

I always love to hear your I came looking for it and was not disappointed. I have been crazy with deadlines lately with no time to blog around on other sites...but today I wanted to say "hello."

Ciao bella...take care.

AM said...

I think I understand what you mean here, especially when it comes to too much peacefulness. But you're right, better let sleeping dogs lie sometimes ...