Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Letters From Home

Today when I came home there was something very special in my mailbox. A letter from home. It is from my mother. She is the very heart and soul of our family and goodness flows from her like no other I know. To be praised from her is the highest compliment I could ever get in my life. You see, she is my teacher and my example and my greatest inspiration when I think of the way I conduct myself and lead my life.

January 7, 2007

Dear Mellissa

I don't tell you often enough how proud I am of you; how good you are in your heart, and in your spirit toward others.

I love you and I know that this year, 2007, will be the year that all your dreams are realized.

With all my love,

There is no better way to have ended my day. I love you mother.



Osbasso said...

That's great! Isn't it amazing how well our parents know us so well?

Mellissa said...

We are very lucky, indeed Os!! Some people are not so fortunate as to have a good relationship with their parents.


p.s. I never got the shirt...what happened hon?

Lori said...

Mothers are wonderful this way. They're always there, no matter how many others have exited our lives.

It sounds like everything is well in your life...I'm so happy for you!

Rebecca said...

That's beautiful! Especially in today's age of everything being via internet, to receive a handwritten note via "snail mail" is that much more meaningful. :)