Monday, February 12, 2007

Heaping Loads of BullCRAP

You know, I have about had it tonight. Actually, I have had it and I am standing up and saying enough is enough.

Why is it that those of us who are relatively normal are held to a higher standard than those of us who have issues? Anger issues are excused as hurt. "Oh, yes, but they were "hurt" and are trying to "heal" so stand there and take the abuse they dish out because they are just so wounded they can't help it. BullCRAP.

Maybe they have social nervousness so they drink too much and act like complete idiots and act in a hateful manner to those who are supposed to be their friends. "Oh, yes, but you are balanced and socially at ease so while it would not be o.k. for you to get drunk and to that, you need to understand that is how they act, it is not personal." BullCRAP.

Perhaps they are possessive and hold you to a standard that won't allow you to have a bit of leeway or a bad day. "Well, you need to just understand them and try to make it up to them if you weren't available when they needed you." BullCRAP.

Lastly, if a man is talking to you and chatting with another woman at the same time, you aren't supposed to get mad about it because they are just bad "multitaskers" that is why there is silence in your ear and only the sound of clicking keys on the keyboard." BullCRAP.

So tonight I have had enough of all of that. There is a me here too folks and you know what?? I don't have a lot of bullCRAP that I throw on people and just expect them to take over and over. Sorry that I am a normal person without mental, social, control or inconsiderate issues - but I DON'T, and I am sick and tired of making nice and rolling over for those who do.

You all better look out. Pollyanna is pissed off and fed up. No holds barred now, you give it and you're gonna get it right back and I guarantee that you won't like the smell of your bullCRAP when it is thrown back in your face.


Osbasso said...

Wow! I'm not sure I've seen this particular side of you. I think I like it! Don't take the BS. You certainly deserve better.

Southern Sweetheart said...

Certainly not a side I've seen of you either, although I knew it had to be there - we're too much alike in ways for it not to have been. I'm glad you're standing up and not taking the bullshit anymore lady! I'll be curious to know how the people you call bullshit on take your new stance. Typically they either retreat to their corner and stay or they come out arms swinging. Watch out and stand your ground. :) I'm in your corner!

BTW, I've moved, the link to my new place is on my blog...Come see me.

Anonymous said...

That is very rude.

Rebecca said...

I know what you mean. It happens in my family alot. Because I'm always the one who does the right thing - I'm always expected to behave a certain way. While others can tantrum and be rude and everyone says, "well, that's just so and so..." yet it would be entirely unacceptable of me to behave that way.

Sometimes you do get "penalized" for being "normal". I think it's wrong, but honestly - I don't know how to fix it. What's the alternative?

Hope you had a better day today. :)

Anonymous said...

You go chick...I have had the same issue...and got the same excuse...bad multi-tasking. BullS***. Hang tough.

Chick said...

Well...ALRIGHT, Pollyanna!

I know what you mean...I say...give what you get!

Lori said...

Hope things are going better and that you had a good Valentine's Day.

Mellissa said...

Hey yall,

Sorry this was so off the wall. I had just been dealing with a lot of mean stuff from folks and I cracked!

Oh, and sorry to all those I offended - sometimes I am a flawed human being, but I do try hard to be good most of the time!!
