Monday, April 02, 2007

Just Being....With You

Let me come to you again. Cover me in your simplicty and the warmth of your embrace. Hold me against you and say nothing; just be.

Let me sit with you a while. Hold my hand, small inside your grasp and paling in your strength. Hold me next to you and say nothing; just be.

Sing to me and play. Swaddle me with the tone of your voice and the sweet chords you make. Let me listen and hum along to the sweetness. I will sit next to you and say nothing; just be.

Lie with me at night. Put your hand along the curve of my hip and connect me to you in sleep. Let me feel the safety of your nest and say nothing, just be.

Let me laugh with you again. Talk to me in Southern cadence like mothers milk so nourishing to my soul. Hold my attention with stories of the past and your dreams. Let me dream those with you....and just be....

I miss you...


Tim said...


Lucky man, this fella you write about.

Hope he sees in you what you want him to see. Hope he absorbs the feelings you have for him and reflects them back to you.

You deserve happiness, my friend.

Mellissa said...

Hey Green!

That sure was awfully sweet of you to say - and I hope the same things you do ;-) Fingers crossed and smiling!!
