Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My Voice, My Life

In catching up on reading my favorite blogs this morning, and visiting some new blogs for the first time, I discovered that someone copied language from two of my posts on their site - without attributing them to me, the author.

I am sure you can imagine that I am quite upset by this as I believe our Blogs are the expression of our innermost. Whether silly posts, or posts about our day, our thoughts, our friends and family, the words are the essence of who WE are.

Each time I write something, it is special to me, a part of my creative voice. To see that taken is not a good feeling. I wish I could understand this a little better right now. I think I am especially upset because this person is an published author and someone who I think would know how precious the created word is; how intricately personal.

I think this person is probably a very nice lady, and meant nothing bad of it. But I think an apology is in order, and thus also the removal of my words from their blog.


1 comment:

oregoncelticlady said...

You jkust need to give us all her site so we can just stroll through and comment "wow, that sure sounds like something I just read on another blog" or "I see you really love Melissa's writing as we do" ! hehehehe! Wicked fun! (although, I know you are being serious!)