Monday, August 27, 2007

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Of all the strange things, my sense of smell (which was already acute enough to pick out your deodorant brand) has become soooo sensitive it is unbelievable. 

There is one thing that is starting to drive me crazy and that is the smell of dirty hair. I kid you not, I can smell unwashed hair from a mile away and all of a sudden the "non-washers" are eeeeveryhere.  I am not talking washed it a day or so ago, I am talking combed it with a pork chop, let the water run over it, working on dreadlocks kind of FUNKY. 

The worst offender was at the doctor's office the other day. She was pregnant and had loooong brown hair and was in the bathroom ahead of me giving her "sample" and man, she was NOT clean!! I about threw up three times while in the bathroom just behind her and then when I had to go to the second holding cell, there she was again in all her greasiness and I literally stood around the corner because I could not stand that HAIR smell. 

How could you be growing a person and not wash all your 3,000 parts plus 5,000 hairs???!!!! Anyway, I might just have to start staying in the house because it REALLY bothers me and makes me feel sick and I never realized how many people are not 'pooing on a regular basis. So readers, please; I implore you to lather, rinse and repeat...or just lather a little o.k. there are some of us out there with fat bellies and sensitive noses.

Thank you, 
The Pregnant Police


oregoncelticlady said...

We non-pregnant people would appreciate it as well!!! AND, with school starting, PLEASE include your seven year olds in the lather fest, as I will have 27 of them squashed into my clasroom!!! =)

Osbasso said...

I find that 'pooing on a regular basis is a good thing. I'm not sure why I should lather, rinse and repeat whilst 'pooing, but to each his own...

Is that like stop, drop and roll??

Tim said...

'pooing on a regular basis is definitely a good thing. I only follow the repeat step occasionally, though. Most of the time a once over with the 'poo works fine.

Anonymous said...

ROTFLMAO....combed it with a porkchop...heehee. I remember the smell thing...mine was super sensitive too. Funny post bug....hang in there. hugs